Omar G. Gudiño

Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Ave., DHDC 2014
Lawrence, KS 66045
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Gudiño received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2009. After completing an APA-approved predoctoral fellowship in child and adolescent psychology at the NYU Child Study Center/Bellevue Hospital, he served as a Senior Psychologist at Bellevue Hospital Center; a Clinical Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU; and a postdoctoral research fellow at the NYU school of Medicine. Dr. Gudiño was previously an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Child Psychology area at the University of Denver. He joined the Clinical Child Psychology Program at the University of Kansas in Fall 2018, where currently serves as its Director. He is also Associate Professor in the Departments of Applied Behavioral Science and Psychology. At KU Dr. Gudiño directs the ACCESO (Advancing Care through Community Engagement, Services, and Outcomes Research) Research Group, which seeks to develop and disseminate clinical practices and service delivery models that are grounded in the latest scientific research, can be feasibly delivered in challenging clinical settings, and are well aligned with the values and preferences of the youths and families who receive the services. Dr. Gudiño is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Latinx Psychology and the Journal of Traumatic Stress; President of the American Board of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology; and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. He served as the Langston Hughes Visiting Professor at KU in Fall 2015.
Research —
My program of research addresses two central questions: (1) Why do some ethnic minority children fare better than others in the face of adversity? and (2) How do we ensure equitable access to quality services for children in need? Although ethnic minority youth are faced with disproportionate levels of adversity, there is great variability in individual responses to such adversity. Guided by a culturally-informed developmental psychopathology framework, I seek to understand how multiple levels of influence converge to promote or inhibit the adjustment of ethnic minority youth. Much of my research in this area focuses specifically on children from immigrant Latino families and considers individual, cultural, and community influences on youth adjustment. My work also examines broader service use and service system questions to inform effective interventions that fit within public systems of care. This work seeks to identify causes of racial/ethnic disparities in service access and quality and to identify more effective service delivery models. In this manner, my program of research approaches the study of mental health services by considering both the needs of underserved youth and families and the realities of public service systems. In an effort to generate knowledge that can have the greatest public health impact, this research is conducted in close partnership with the community agencies and public service systems ultimately responsible for serving vulnerable youth and families.
Teaching —
Dr. Gudiño teaches courses and mentors students in the Clinical Child Psychology Program and the Departments of Applied Behavioral Science and Psychology at the University of Kansas.
Teaching interests:
ABSC/PSYC 535: Developmental Psychopathology
ABSC/PSYC 803: Fundamentals of Psychological Assessment & Intervention with Children
ABSC/PSYC 888: Diversity Issues in Clinical Psychology
ABSC/PSYC Practicum in Clinical Child Psychology
Teaching interests:
- Developmental Psychopathology
- Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
- Diversity Science
Selected Publications —
- †Singh, M.N., & Gudiño, O.G. (2022). Translating Liberation Psychology for Children and Adolescents from Historically Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds: A Synthesis of the Literature. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review.
- †Singh, M., & Gudiño, O.G. (2022). Discrepancies between Foster Care Entry and Mental Health Service Use for Black and Latinx Youth. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology.
- Fite, P., Baca, S., Gomez, G., Griffith, R., & Gudiño, O.G. (In Press). Attitudes toward Mental Health Services among Detained Adolescents: The Role of CU Traits. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth
- †Gomez, C., & Gudiño, O.G. (2022). Acculturative Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Latinx Youth: The Role of Behavioral Inhibition, Cultural Values, and Active Coping. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
- DePrince, A.P., Alexander. A., Cook, J.M., & Gudiño, O.G (In Press). A Roadmap for Preventing and Responding to Trauma: Practical Guidance for Advancing Community-Engaged Research. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
- †Ramos-Salamanca, L., †Zax, A., & Gudiño, O.G. (2021). Exposure to Violence, Coping, and Academic Achievement in Latinx Adolescents. School Mental Health.
- Fite, P.J., Gudiño, O.G., Tampke, E., & O’Dell, C.(2021). Links between Past 30-day Substance Use and Specific Charges Among Detained Youth. Child & Youth Care Forum.
- DiPierro-Sutton, M., Fite, P., & Gudiño, O.G (2021). Assessing the links between Internalizing Symptoms and Treatment Motivation in Incarcerated Juveniles. Children and Youth Services Review.
- †Leonard, S.S., & Gudiño, O.G. (2020) Beyond School Engagement: School Adaptation and Its Role in Bolstering Resilience Among Youth Who Have Been Involved with Child Welfare Services. Child & Youth Care Forum.
- †Galvan, T. &Gudiño, O.G. (2020). Impact of Youth Problem Type on Specific Dimensions of Caregiver Strain in Latino Families. Child & Youth Care Forum.
- Rubens, S.L., Feldman, D. B., Soliemannjad, R. R., Sung, A., & Gudiño, O. G. (2020). Hope, Daytime Sleepiness, and Academic Outcomes in Low-Income, Latinx Youth. Child & Youth Care Forum.
- Rubens, S.L., Gudiño, O.G., Ford, L. M., Soliemannjad, R.R., Contreras, P.D., (2020). Association between the sleep environment and sleep problems in low-income Latinx youth. Children's Health Care.
- †Stiles, A.A., †Galvan, T., Zundel, C., Flournoy, J., & Gudiño, O.G. (2019). Stakeholder Perspectives on Eliminating Disparities in Mental Health Service Use for Latinx Youth: A Qualitative Study. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
- †Galvan, T. &Gudiño, O.G. (2019). Understanding Latinx Youth Mental Health Disparities by Problem Type: The Role of Caregiver Culture. Psychological Services.
- Valdez, C., Rodgers, C., Gudiño, O.G., Isaac, P., Cort, N., Casas, M., & Butler, A. (2019). Translating Research to Support Practitioners in Addressing Disparities in Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Services in the U.S. Special Issue on Understanding, Unpacking, and Eliminating Health Disparities in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(1), 126-135.
- †Schneider, A. & Gudiño, O.G. (2018).Predicting Avoidance Symptoms in U.S. Latino Youth Exposed to Community Violence: The Role of Cultural Values and Behavioral Inhibition. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(4), 509-517.
- †Stiles, A.A. & Gudiño, O.G. (2018) Examining Bidirectional Associations Between School Engagement and Mental Health for Youth in Child Welfare. School Mental Health., 10(4), 372-385.
- Gudiño, O.G., †Stiles, A.A., & †Diaz, K.I. (2018). Violence Exposure and Psychopathology in Latino Youth: The Moderating Role of Active and Avoidant Coping. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 49, 468-479.
- Rubens, S.L., Gudiño, O.G., Fite, P.J., Grande, J.M. (2018). Individual and Neighborhood Stressors, Sleep Problems, and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression among Latino Youth. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88(2), 161-168.
- Rubens, S.L., Gudiño, O.G., Michel, J., Fite, P.J., Johnson-Motoyama, M. (2017). Neighborhood and Cultural Stressors Associated with Delinquency in Latino Adolescents. Journal of Community Psychology. 46(1), 95-106.
- †Leonard, S. & Gudiño, O.G. (2016). Academic and Mental Health Outcomes of Youth Placed in Out-of-Home Care: The Role of School Stability and Engagement. Child & Youth Care Forum, 45(6), 807-827.
- †Hurwich-Reiss, E. & Gudiño, O.G. (2016). Acculturation Stress and Conduct Problems in Latino Youth: The Moderating Impact of Family Factors. Journal of Latino/a Psychology, 4(4), 218-231.
- Chemtob, C.M., Gudiño, O.G., Luthra, R., Yehuda, R., Schmeidler, J., Auslander, B., Hirshbein, H., Schoor, A., Greenberg, R., Newcorn, J., Panzer, P.G., Schenk, T., Levine, P., Abramovitz, R. (2016). Child Trauma Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Identification in Community Mental Health Clinics. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 1(2-3), 103-115.
- †Leonard, S., †Stiles, A. A. & Gudiño, O.G. (2016). School Engagement of Youth Investigated by Child Welfare Services: Associations with Academic Achievement and Mental Health. School Mental Health, 8(3), 386–398.
- Gudiño, O.G., †Leonard, S., & Cloitre, M. (2016).STAIR-A for Girls: A Pilot Study of a Skills-Based Group for Traumatized Youth in an Urban School Setting. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 9(1), 67-79.
- Fernandez, M.A., Adelstein, J.S., Miller, S.P., Areizaga, M.J., Gold, D.C., Sanchez, A.L., Rothschild, S., Hirsch, E., & Gudiño, O.G. (2015). Teacher-Child Interaction Training: A Pilot Study with Random Assignment. Behavior Therapy46(4), 463-477.
- Gudiño, O.G., Weis, J.R., Havens, J.F., Biggs, E.A., Diamond, U.N., Marr, M., Jackson, C.L., & Cloitre, M. (2014). Group Trauma-Informed Treatment for Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients: A Preliminary, Uncontrolled Trial. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27, 1-5.
- Santiago, C.D., Gudiño, O.G.,Baweja, S., & Nadeem, E. (2014). Academic achievement among immigrant and U.S.-born Latino adolescents: Associations with cultural, family, and acculturation factors. Journal of Community Psychology, 42(6), 735-747.
- Gudiño, O.G., & †Rindlaub, L.A.(2014). Psychometric Properties of the Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Latino Children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27, 27–34.
- Chemtob, C.M., Gudiño, O.G., & Laraque, D. (2013). Maternal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Pediatric Primary Care: Association With Child Maltreatment and Frequency of Child Exposure to Traumatic Events. JAMA Pediatrics,167(11), 1011-1018. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.2218
- Gudiño, O.G. (2013). Behavioral Inhibition and Risk for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Latino Children Exposed to Violence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41(6), 983-992.
- Martinez, J.I., Gudiño, O.G., & Lau, A.S. (2013). Problem-specific Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Pathways from Maltreatment Exposure to Specialty Mental Health Service Use for Youth in Child Welfare. Child Maltreatment, 18(2), 98-107.
- Gudiño, O.G., Martinez, J.I., Lau, A.S. & (2012). Mental Health Service Use by Youths in Contact With Child Welfare: Racial Disparities by Problem Type. Psychiatric Services, 63(10), 1004-1010.
- Havens, J.F., Gudiño, O.G.,Biggs, E.A., Diamond, U., Weis, J.R., & Cloitre, M. (2012). Identification of Trauma Exposure and PTSD in Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25, 171-178.
- Gudiño, O.G., Nadeem, E., Kataoka, S.H., & Lau, A.S. (2012). Reinforcement Sensitivity and Risk for Psychopathology Following Exposure to Violence: A Vulnerability-Specificity Model in Latino Youth. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 43, 306-321.
- Gudiño, O.G., Nadeem, E., Kataoka, S.H., & Lau, A.S. (2011). Relative impact of violence exposure and immigrant stressors on Latino youth psychopathology. Journal of Community Psychology, 39(3), 316–335.
- Lau, A.S., Fung, J.J., Ho, L.Y., Liu, L.L., & Gudiño, O.G. (2011). Parent training with high-risk immigrant Chinese families: A pilot group randomized trial yielding practice based evidence. Behavior Therapy, 42(3), 413-426.
- Gudiño, O.G., & Lau, A.S. (2010). Parental culture, shyness, and anxiety in Hispanic children: An exploratory study. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,31(3), 202-210.
- Gudiño, O.G., Lau, A.S., Yeh, M., McCabe, K.M., & Hough, R.L. (2009). Understanding racial/ethnic disparities in youth mental health services: Do disparities vary by problem type? Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 17(1), 3-16.
- Gudiño, O.G., Lau, A.S., & Hough, R.L. (2008). Immigrant status, mental health need and mental health service utilization among high-risk Hispanic and Asian Pacific Islander youth.Child and Youth Care Forum, 37, 139-152.
†Denotes Student Mentee